Your Guide to Emotional Recovery After an Abortion
“This is not a book about judgment, politics or religion. It is not a book about right or wrong.”
Candace De Puy, Ph.D., LCSW
and Dana Dovitch, Ph.D., MFCC
Available in paperback or e-book.
“Abortion is not a frivolous choice. No woman sets out to create, then terminate, a possible life; but, over the centuries, millions of women have had abortions, and millions more will continue to terminate unwanted pregnancies regardless of social, religious or legislative opinion.”
“This book is for any woman who feels psychological pain from her past abortion, any person who has strong feelings about abortion, any person who sees abortion as killing a child, and anybody who feels it is not. It is a book that lends insight and offers helpful ways to achieve post abortion healing.”
“If an abortion has wounded you, choose the path to healing and read this book. You can become strong in the broken places.”
~ Bernie S. Siegal, M.D., author of Love, Medicine and Miracles
““More than anything, whatever our judgements or opinions may be, we need compassion, and this book’s chief virtue is its compassion.”
~ Thomas Moore, Author of “Care of the Soul”